The Trade System allows players to trade:
- Prime Blueprints
- Prime Parts
- Mods
- Void Relics
- Alternate Arcane Helmets
- Companion Imprints
- Special Weapons
At the Clan Dojo’s Trading Post, or at a specified trading relay (Maroo’s Bazaar). There is a minimum Mastery requirement of Rank 2 in order to trade, and the number of available trade transactions increases by one each Mastery Rank. Up to five items can be traded per transaction and a trade tax is commissioned to complete the trade. The Trading Post can be found in the Place Decoration tab if you are an Architect in your Clan.
- Note* When trading weapons, weapon parts and Warframe parts, a player can only trade that weapon or frame if it is Prime, or has special status, like Prisma or Syndicate.
- Another Note* Only prime parts that drop as parts can be traded, prime parts that are crafted from blueprints cannot.
Trades Per Day
The number of trades that can be made per day is the same as the player’s Mastery Rank, with exception to Founders, who get an additional two trades per day. The trade limit is refreshed daily at GMT 00:00 and is not affected by the amount of items exchanged in each transaction. Furthermore, ranking up will provide an additional trade until the next refresh.
Trades are charged for a trade tax which amount in Credits based on the rarity of the commodity. Players will need to pay the respective tax for the item they receive in the trade. Additionally, a Clan tax can be set by the Clan that the Clan Dojo is associated with.
Primed Mods such as Primed Flow are considered “Legendary Items“, therefore costing a trade tax of 1,000,000. However, Primed Mods obtained from Daily Tribute cannot be traded.
Trading Terminology
People who use the Trade chat have their own acronyms to summarize their offers. Below is a short list of the most commonly used acronyms in Trade chat. A more comprehensive guide can be found here.
- WTB – Want to buy
- WTS – Want to sell
- WTT(F) – Want to trade (for)
- PC – Price check
If you are part of RAZOR7 we have trading classes and can help you better understand the trade system.
What can we trade? More Details
1) MODS. All Mods in your inventory are eligible for trade, including Legendary Cores. There is no Rarity restriction (you can trade a Rare for an Uncommon). Mods that you have equipped on items will display a blue icon on the bottom right corner of the Mod. These are eligible for trade as well, but you will be notified that the mod will be taken off the equipped item(s). Exception: You may not trade away Precept mods for any Companion (Sentinel/Pet) you own, unless you have duplicates of the mod. This is similar to the rules in place for dissolving those mods into Endos.
2) KEYS & RELICS. All Mission keys (including Trial Keys) and Relics can be traded. Specific components like Mutalist Alad V Coordinates are also tradeable. Clan Keys cannot be traded.
3) PLATINUM. Only Platinum that you have purchased will be eligible for trade. There is no minimum/maximum amount of Platinum you can trade. Your starting 50 Platinum cannot be traded, and moving forward, any Platinum you are rewarded (contests/livestreams, promotions, etc.) will not be eligible for trade. Platinum that you obtain through trading is considered “purchased”.
4) PRIME WEAPON PARTS. Any prime weapons that have individual pieces that are used to craft them in addition to the main blueprint may be traded. Only prime parts that drop as parts can be traded.
5) PRIME BLUEPRINTS. Any prime blueprints may be traded. Keep in mind that items crafted using these prime blueprints CANNOT be traded!
6) ARCHWING WEAPON PARTS. All Archwing weapon parts are tradeable.
7) ARCANE HELMETS. Any completed Arcane Helmets can be traded. Please keep in mind that blueprints for Arcane Helmets cannot be traded, only the completed helmets themselves.
8) ARCANE ENHANCEMENTS. All Arcanes obtained from the Trial missions are tradeable.
9) MODS & WEAPONS from BARO KI’TEER and SYNDICATES. Any special mods and any UNUSED weapons from Syndicates and Baro Ki’Teer may be traded (keep in mind that even 1 XP on a weapon will make it untradeable in game).
10) SORTIE REWARDS. All Warframe blueprints as well as weapon parts/blueprints obtained from Sortie missions are tradeable.
11) LANDING CRAFT BLUEPRINTS. All Landing Craft blueprints may be traded.
12) ANTITOXIN. All Antitoxins from the Cicero Crisis Event/ Earth can be traded. (Topaz, Vermillion, Citrine, Beryl, Amethyst, Lapis)
13) KUBROW & KAVAT IMPRINTS. All Kubrow and Kavat Imprints can be traded.
14) FOCUS LENSES. This only applies to normal Focus Lenses, Greater Focus Lenses cannot be traded.
Note : You are NOT allowed to sell items from another game in Warframe, since there’s no way to be sure that your items will be delivered.
How do I invite my friend to Trade with me if they are not in my clan?
Friends that you wish to trade with do not need to be in your clan. Simply invite him/her to your Dojo via Friends List.
Does a person need to be on my friends list to trade with? Or can it be a random person from recruiting using /invite?
The person you are trading with does not need to be on your friends list. You can trade with anyone that is in the Dojo with you, regardless of how they entered the Dojo.
Can I talk to the person whom I’m trading with?
Yes, there is a private chat window for the person you are directly trading with.
Can I cancel the Trade at any time?
Yes, you can cancel the trade anytime by exiting the Trade screen.
What if my game crashes in the middle of a trade?
If your game crashes in the middle of a trade the other player will be notified that you have left. They will then have the option to cancel the trade, or resume it when you come back.
What is Trading Tax?
Trading Tax is a Credit fee applied to all items you receive in a trade. Trading Tax is based off the rarity of the items you will receive. The rarer an item is, the more you must pay in Trading Tax. The Trading Tax each player must pay appears below the player’s profile image on the Trade screen, and will update as the items in the trade change.
How many times can I trade [per] day?
The number of trades that you may complete in a day is based on your mastery rank (with a daily bonus of +2 for Founders). Your trades remaining will be “topped up” at the same time your Syndicate and Focus points are refilled each day.
-You must have a mastery rank of 2 or higher in order to trade.
Can I trade for items or services not listed in the Trade interface?
No, trading is restricted to what is listed in the trading UI. Players trading for items or services not listed in the trading interface face removal of trading privilege, account suspension or permanent banning.
Can I create contests with giveaway prizes that are awarded via Trading?
Yes – However, Digital Extremes takes no responsibility for any unofficial giveaways or contests. No support is available for disputes of this nature.
What is Clan Trading Tax?
The Clan Trading Tax is an additional tax that is optionally set by a clan. It is calculated as a percentage of the normal Trading Tax. When a trade is completed, the credits from the Clan Trading Tax will go in the hosting clan’s Vault.
How do I set the Clan Trading Tax?
On the “Trading Post” screen click the “Edit Clan Tax” button, and enter a tax percentage between 0 and 100. You may change the Clan Trade Tax rate only if you have the “Treasurer” role.
1) Approach Trading Post and perform the context action to start the Trade.
2) Trading Post will display all players in the Dojo that you can trade with.
3) Select which Player you wish to trade with and click the Trade button; they will receive a message that you are requesting a trade.
4) Once Player has accepted the invitation, the trade begins.
5) Each player will select their items they wish to trade at the same time.
6) By clicking on one of your 4 empty slots, you can choose between the items to trade. When you select an item, the recipient will be charged a “Trading Tax” (Credits) based on the rarity of the item traded. Each player must have enough credits to pay their respective Trading Tax, or the items cannot be traded. Platinum can be traded by only one of the players, and in only one of the trading slots (no trading Plat for Plat). Click the “Check when ready to trade” option when you’re finished selecting your items.
7) Only when you accept the trade you do wait for the other player to accept or make a change. Both players must accept the current trade before it can be completed. If the other player makes a change after you have accepted the trade, you will have to accept the new trade. Alternatively you may make further changes to your offer, or cancel the trade.
8) Once both players are ready to trade, a new button will appear to accept the trade. Once the “accept trade” button is hit, you will see a fancy trading animation and the trade will be finalized!
Trading with your fellow Tenno is a large part of the Warframe experience. While most players use the trading system with honest intentions, there are some players who do not. To help protect yourself from scammers, please be aware of the following:
- GENERAL RULE OF THUMB: Always double, triple check that you will be receiving what you and the other player decided upon. It never hurts to be extra cautious, Tenno!
- Trading UI Changes: With the release of U17 on consoles, you may have noticed a few exciting changes to the Trading UI. From now on, if a player changes something you will notified instantly. You will then need to re-check to accept the changes before proceeding with the trade:
- “Platinum Glitches”: A player might offer to host a “Platinum Glitch” with the promise that it will double your Platinum. They will ask you to enter the desired amount of Platinum you wish to double in the Trade UI. Since “Platinum Glitches” do not exist, the player may complete the trade and leave with your platinum. Take extra care of checking the platinum amount before moving forward with the trade. The amount you confirm in the trading UI will be the amount you receive (even if told otherwise).
- “Founders Codes”: Codes to unlock Founders’ content in Warframe do not exist. Refrain from trading with players that are offering items/codes that have not been announced or made available by Digital Extremes.
- “Ancient Cores” vs. “Legendary Cores”: Unlike Legendary Cores, Ancient Cores do NOT have the ability to maximize the rank of a mod. Keep this in mind as players will attempt to trade “Ancient Cores” as “Legendary.” For reference:
- Non-Warframe Item Trading: Trading in-game items for non-game items (including cash) is a violation of the Terms of Use/EULA, and can lead to your account being banned. If the items can’t be traded within the Trade UI, it is not a supported trade.
- Kubrow And Kavat Trading: Please be aware that it is possible to check the breed and visual qualities of a Kavat or Kubrow imprint you are receiving by selecting the “VIEW OFFERED IMPRINTS” option in the trade menu. Always be sure to check the imprint you are receiving in a trade is the correct one before completing the trade! The various icons and the associated Kubrow and Kavat types are listed below:
Sunika Kubrow
Huras Kubrow
Sahasa Kubrow
Raksa Kubrow
Chesa Kubrow
Adarza Kavat
Smeeta Kavat